Because it can be done

Brainport Eindhoven

A view on technological excellence in the Brainport region

When Brainport Eindhoven moved to their new headquarters, Edhv was invited to create an exhibition concept that showcases some of the finest innovative results of tech driven companies in this region. To shape the spatial design we’ve teamed up with Dutch Invertuals.

The narrative

In order to create this overview exhibition we first had to find an underlying structure. A narrative that does not just randomly show innovation, but places it in a context of significance. As we analysed the unique diversity and skills present in the Brainport ecosystem we couldn’t help but notice its intricate qualities. Like ecologists we have been investigating, and were able to narrow down our observations to a range of ‘tribes’, all driven by do-ism. A strong ‘because it can be done’ mentality.


Once we found the driving energy, it was easy to categorise the different companies into tribes and even give them names. Each tribe with its own unique skill focus. By grouping the projects based on their ‘driving force’ we could explain these innovations on a whole different level and really pin-point the value of each of these projects, placing them in a bigger picture.

Move to next project

City making

City marketing strategy and rebranding for Eindhoven

Edhv, Architects
of Identity