Last week we have been invited to a lecture dedicated to the professional practice of the designer and how a young graduates can find their way into the world of design. With guest speakers: Wendy Plomp (Curator at Dutch Invertuals), Remco van de Craats (creative director at Edhv), Floor Kuitert, (editor at FRAME magazine). ROOT Expositions in Rotterdam is aiming to provide a platform for students and alumni of the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.
We were being questioned about our views on the world of design, what trends we see and what type of designers are coming up in 2015, about the role young designers play in this. In a world that seems to revolve around specialization, making choices and make yourself indispensable, Edhv takes an interesting position by choosing a free approach. Something that may appeal to many students which raises the questions how they can achieve this?